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Greetings and Salutations!


Recently, I announced the Ettenig Sayam Paranormal Writing Competition 2024. The deadline for submission is December 3, 2024. While I have received many inquiries about how to enter the competition, beyond what is posted in the announcement, only one person has asked: What is paranormal fiction? As I prepare official guidelines and regulations and compose an FAQ to post online, I thought I would take the time to address the question: What is paranormal fiction?


Paranormal fiction falls under the umbrella category of speculative fiction. Speculative fiction encompasses all the subgenres that depart from realism (i.e., so-called everyday reality). Speculative fiction is a catch-all genre that includes, but is not limited to, science fiction, paranormal fiction, fantasy, horror, slipstreammagical realismsuperhero fictionalternate historyutopia, dystopia, fairytales, steampunk, cyberpunk, futuristic, weird fiction, and some apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction and other imaginative realms.


Supernatural Fiction vs Paranormal Fiction


The supernatural genre incorporates elements that operate outside the rules of the real world and known scientific principles. Supernatural fiction normally concerns itself with matters of God, the soul, archangels, spirits, miracles, resurrection, and other extraordinary phenomena. Superheroes may fall into this category as well as unicorns, dragons, and mermaids. That said, gothic stories, ghost stories, and other macabre stories like those written by H.P. Lovecraft or Stephen King are also examples of supernatural fiction.


The paranormal genre tends to include creatures popularized by folklore, fairy tales, and popular culture, such as fairies, aliens, shapeshifters, and the undead. It can also include time travel, telepathy, or other aspects of extra-sensory perception. The paranormal genre alludes to the possibility that future scientific principles might explain these supernatural beings or marvels that operate outside the norm. It explores phenomena beyond the realm of known contemporary scientific explanation toward folklore, mythologies, and yet to be revealed knowledge or technologies, incorporating elements of mystery, horror, and fantasy to weave intricate narratives that both thrill and unsettle readers.


Fantasy novels like J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series have elements of both supernatural and paranormal. What makes them fantasy is that everything is made up. On the sliding scale of believibility paranormal is first, followed by supernatural and then fantasy.


According to some iconic works of supernatural fiction include:

  1.  Pet Sematary by Stephen King (1983)

  2.  Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (1823)

  3.  Uncle Silas by Sheridan Le Fanu (1864)

  4.  “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe (1843)

  5.  The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (1898)


Examples of paranormal fiction include:

  1. Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer (2005)

  2. Southern Vampire Mysteries series by Charlaine Harris (2001)

  3. Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice (1976)

  4.  Dracula by Bram Stoker (1897)

  5.  Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh (2017)


Bayside Miami Mall on January 1, 2024: Subject Theme of a Paranormal Story


Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. On January 1, 2024, Miami police dispatched more than 60 police cars in response to a disturbance at the Bayside Miami Mall at 8:30 pm. They arrested four teenagers on the charge of disturbing the peace and setting off fireworks. A viral video on Twitter/X showed panicked people and shadowy creatures. Alternate theories of what happened at the Bayside Mall captured the imagination of millions of people around the world. The Miami police called it an alien conspiracy theory.


There was panic and chaos. The police blamed it on the teenagers. Some witnesses claimed they saw “something” decidedly not human and not from “the real world.” This is the hallmark of a paranormal story/speculative fiction.


The Ettenig Sayam Paranormal Short Story Writing Competition


The Ettenig Sayam Paranormal Short Story Writing Competition is open to all, including children and young adults. A little over a year before Bayside Mall incident on January 1, 2024, Newsweek Magazine published an article that appeared on December 29, 2023, reporting on the backlash in response to Disney’s release of a children’s ABC book based on the paranormal horror film franchise Alien. Truly, we have entered a brave new world.




Paranormal Short Story Writing Conest Judging Criteria and Score Card

  • Submissions Open: Current.

  • Word Count: 1000-5000 words.

  • Format: Use 12-point Readable Font

  • File Type: Submit your story as a .doc or .docx file.

  • File Naming: Use the format “LastName_FirstName_Title_Date of Submission.docx. For example: “Doe_John_MyParanormalStory_2024830.docx”



Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: December 3, 2024, at 6:59PM EST or 11:39 UTC

  • First Round Judging: January 8 – January 10, 2025.

  • Finalists and Winners Announced in Newsletter and March 7, 2025.



Judging Criteria

  • Adherence to the Paranormal contest theme. (10 points). The submitted story must relate back in some way to what happened in Miami on January 1, 2004, as described in the announcement.

  • Originality and Creativity. (30 points) Additional genres besides paranormal are allowed.

  • Plot, Pacing and Character Development. (30 points). Pay close attention to the development and depth of the characters. Create well-rounded characters that resonate with readers.

  • Writing Style and Grammar. (30 points)




  • 1st Place:          $100                      2nd Place:         $50                        3rd Place: $25


Authors retain all rights to their work.




1. What are the eligibility criteria?

  • Open to all writers: No Age or Nationality Restrictions. The genre is Paranormal. Additional genres are allowed.

  • No multiple submissions.

  • Group submission is allowed. However, a member of the group may not submit an individual entry in addition.


2. How do I submit my entry?

  • Email submission entry to:

  • File Type: Submit your story as a .doc or .docx file. English Language Only.

  • File Naming: Use the format “LastName_FirstName_Title_Date of Submission.docx. For example: “Doe_John_MyParanormalStory_2024830.docx.”

  • Submission Close/Deadline: December 3, 2024, at 6:59PM EST or 11:39 UTC.

3. Is there an entry fee?

  • No. It is free.

4. What is the word count limit?

  • Short Stories must be between 1,000 and 5,000 words. This is NOT flash or micro fiction.

5. Can I submit previously published work?

  • No. Submissions must be original, unpublished material.

6. What are the Prizes?

  • 1st Prize is $100.                           2nd Prize is $50.             3rd Prize is $25.



7. What are the Judging Criteria?

  • Adherence to the Paranormal contest theme. (10 points) The submitted story must relate back in some way to what happened in Miami on January 1, 2004, as described in the announcement.

  • Originality and creativity. Additional genres besides paranormal are allowed. (10 points)

  • Plot, pacing and character development. (10 points)

  • Writing style and grammar. (10 points)

8. When will the winners be announced?

  • First Round Judging: January 7th - January 10, 2025. Response sent by email.

  • Second Round/Semi- Finalists: February 3rd – February 7, 2025. Email response.

  • Finalists Announced in March Newsletter: No later than March 1, 2025. This information will be updated.

  • Winners Announced on social media. Date to be determined.

9. Can I get feedback on my submission?

  • This information will be updated.

10. What happens if I win?

  • Winners will be notified based on the contact information provided by the winner. Prizes are awarded as specified in the competition rules. and winning entries may be published or featured in an anthology.


  • Authors retain all rights to their work.


  • If you have any specific questions about a particular competition, feel free to ask! Contact: Alternatively, you can message the organizer through social media (Ettenig,, Facebook and Instagram).


The Sponsor/Organizer reserves the right to update the FAQ’s and Regulations as needed for the purposes of clarity, transparency, and reasonableness.

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